Frontline Season 2
After a bumpy start, FRONTLINE is becoming a successful current affairs program on commercial television, making its host, Mike Moore, more of a celebrity than a presenter.
Frontline S02E01 - One Big Family
( 29mins )A new person takes over as executive producer of Frontline. The network plans its promotions.
Frontline S02E02 - Workin' Class Man
( 25mins )Martin is given a hard story about an ostrich farm. The team try to make the show more appealing to a working-class audience.
Frontline S02E03 - Heroes And Villains
( 28mins )The Frontline team start a debate on racism. Brooke finds it hard to portray a heart surgeon as a hero.
Frontline S02E04 - Office Mole
( 26mins )When Mike becomes bored, he is appointed as an international story coordinator. All of Frontline's stories appear to be being stolen by A Current Affair.
Frontline S02E05 - Basic Instincts
( 27mins )A brutal bashing is recorded by a Frontline camera operator. Emma has a new boyfriend. Mike sets up a debate on euthanasia that turns out to be less than successful.
Frontline S02E06 - Let The Children Play
( 25mins )Mike receives a visit from his niece. Frontline "borrow" A Current Affair's idea of a playground construction challenge story.
Frontline S02E07 - Divide The Community, Multiply The Ratings
( 28mins )A gay magazine has Mike in its cover photo. Brooke interviews an acid attack victim.
Frontline S02E08 - Keeping Up Appearances
( 27mins )Frontline raise the issue of ethnic tensions within a community.
Frontline S02E09 - All Work And No Fame
( 28mins )When Mike becomes bored again, he itches to get his hands dirty on a story.
Frontline S02E10 - Changing The Face Of Current Affairs
( 25mins )Network management hire an American consultant in order to rejuvenate Frontline's image.
Frontline S02E11 - A Man Of His Convictions
( 24mins )When Mike again gets concerned about appearing light-weight, he joins a protest by The Wilderness Society, and gets himself arrested.
Frontline S02E12 - The Great Pretenders
( 25mins )Frontline appoint a new legal advisor. Martin bails out a Nazi. Mike plays for an unusual home viewer on Jackpot.
Frontline S02E13 - Give 'Em Enough Rope
( 28mins )The Frontline team attend the premiere of their network's new soap opera, Rainbow Island. An artist provides Brooke with an interesting self-portrait. Mike interviews the owner of the network.